R packages
Saha, Arkajyoti, Daniela Witten and Jacob Bien. "independencepvalue: Testing independence between groups of Gaussian variables" R package 0.0.2. (2022). Website
Description: independencepvalue is an R package that tests the independence between two groups of Gaussian variables, where the groups were obtained by thresholding the correlation matrix, detailed in Saha, Witten and Bien (2022).
Saha, Arkajyoti, Sumanta Basu and Abhirup Datta. "RandomForestsGLS: Random Forests for dependent data" R package 0.1.4. (2020). CRAN Vignette
Description: RandomForestsGLS is a package for fitting non-linear regression models on dependent data (spatial and temporal) with Generalised Least Square (GLS) based Random Forest (RF-GLS) detailed in Saha, Basu and Datta (2021). 17,000+ CRAN Downloads as of September 2023.
Saha, Arkajyoti, and Abhirup Datta. "BRISC: bootstrap for rapid inference on spatial covariances." R package 1.0.5. (2018). CRAN
Description: BRISC is a package for rapid estimation, prediction, and inference for large spatial data in a frequentist setup. BRISC estimation and prediction rely on nearest neighbor approximations of the spatial Gaussian Process likelihood and use a scalable parametric bootstrap to provide inference for all spatial parameters. 34,000+ CRAN Downloads as of September 2023.